2025 Judges Announcement
The Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Championship would like to announce that two judges have been selected to officiate over this year’s Invitational Championship.
Doug McMillen of Reynoldsville Pennsylvania and Mike Flewelling of Holden Maine have agreed to sit in the saddle to preside over this year’s event. The Invitational will be held on April 16th and 17th with call backs on the 18th in Ellenburg, New York.
Both judges are more than highly qualified and are well recognized for their contributions to field trialing. They have each: bred, campaigned and trained many champions in the past. We are very fortunate to have these two famed outdoorsmen as our judicial team.
2025 Grand National Grouse & Woodcock Invitational Championship & Points Earners
The following is a list of the top 20 Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational points earned for dogs and their owners.
The 2025 Invitational Championship will be held near Malone, New York, drawing Tuesday April 15th and running Wednesday/Thursday April 16th, 17th with callbacks on Friday April 18th.
The top 14 dogs left after any declined invitations will be the running field. Judges and a reporter are still to be selected and will be announced as appropriate.
Congratulations to all the dogs, owners, trainers and handlers, for all their hard work and dedication has paid off.
Grand Winner Snyders Fireside Ed-Grand Winner Guaranteed Steve Snyder
Meridith Grade Corky-Invitational Winner Guaranteed Denny Keysor
Over The Hill Merry-Invitational Runner Up Guaranteed Rod Lein
Ralphy’s Chasehill Rip-1284 Points Brian Ralph
Northwoods Cedar-1284 Eric and Lindsay Saetre
Shadyhills Zeena-1120 Deb Nihart
Aspen Hill Bandit-1096 Jon Cullen
Chasehill Snoop Dogg-992 Erin Stolgitis
Warrior Zeke-944 Mike Husenits
Grouse Ridge Mags-889 Bill Ballin
Chasehill Poison Ivy-852 Bill and Karen McFadden
Northwoods Atlas-772 Greg Johnson
Lake Effect Allie-714 Tim Kaufman
Ponderosa’s Copper Penny-708 Robert Ellis
Mohawk Mill Miss You-684 Bill and Karen McFadden
Back Creek Lucy-659 Steve Graham
Meredith Grade Penny-648 Denny Keysor
Over the Hill Morgan-624 Robert Zilkie
Faith’s Maximum Justice-564 Ken Delong
Grouse Trails Buddy-486 John McKellop
Paucheks Little Tommy Tucker-480 Kelly Short
2024 Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship
Winners of the 2024 Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship Meridith Grade Corky-Invitational Winner Guaranteed Denny Keysor
Over The Hill Merry-Invitational Runner Up Guaranteed Rod Lein
All 14 dogs
Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship Judges April 16th 2024
Bob Wheelock of Thompsonville, Michigan and Ben McKean of Minnetrista, Minnesota have graciously accepted to sit in the the judicial saddles. Both are outstanding sportsman and famed Lake States outdoorsmen, with years of pointing dog and field trial experience.
The Invitational will take place in Gladwin Michigan, hosted by the Beaverton Grouse Dog Club. The drawing will take place on April 16th 2024, with the running on April 17,18, and 19th.
The Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship Points Ranking
The Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship for the 2023 points season will take place on The Gladwin Field Trial grounds in Gladwin Michigan. The trial will be hosted by The Beaverton Grouse Dog Club. The drawing date will be Tuesday April 16, 2024, and the trial will start on Wednesday the 17th, running through Thursday and Friday the 18th and 19th.
The following 20 dogs are ranked in order of their total reported points, highest first. The Invitational is a 14-dog field, and invitations will be sent out in January to the first 14, sending out additional invitations if any decline.
A huge congratulations to the dogs, the owners, and the handlers……
Secretary, Joe Cammisa
Dogs, Owners, Handlers
1. Guaranteed Chasehill Poison Ivy Allen Raiano John Stolgitis
2. Guaranteed BK Rollin Dice Bill Seimer Bruce Minard
3. Guaranteed Ralphy’s Chasehill Rip Brian Ralph John Stolgitis
4. 1008 Dunrovens Soozee Chris Yeager Rich Hollister
5. 984 Over The Hill Merry Rod Lein Rod Lein
6. 927 Cairds Cracklin Rosie Bob Little Bob Little
7. 768 Bundys Buckeye Molly Chris Sellers Zach Erne
8. 756 Shady Hills Whiskey Scott Forman Scott Forman
9. 752 Boomer of Blackwater Cole Cullins Mike Flewelling/John Stolgitis
10. 736 Grouse Ridge Mags Bill Ballin Scott Forman
11. 728 Sunkhaze Viera Masardis Mike Flewelling Mike Flewelling
12. 720 Meridith Grade Corkey Dennis Keysor Tammy Chaffee
13. 692 Moss Meadow seeker Ken Moss Ken Moss
14. 612 Blue Ribbon Harper Marty Festa Robert Ecker
15. 595 Back Creek Lucy Steve Graham Rich Holister
16. 512 Full Breeze Dick Brenneman Dave Hughes
17. 496 Duck Hook Mike Flewelling Mike Flewelling
18. 448 Coal Camps Annie Jim Humphrey Adam Thomas
19. 432 Tupelo Honey Bob Wheelock Bob Wheelock
20. 416 Dunrovens Midnight Ike Dr. Peter Millett Robert Ecker
32nd Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship Winners
Congratulations to The winner CH. Chasehill Poison Ivy, Owner Allen Raiano, Handler John Stolgitis and Runner-up Champion CH. Bk’s Rolling Dice, Owner Bill Siemer, Handler Bruce Minard.
It was an exciting 3 days and both winners pushed the peddle to the limits, running hard, pointing grouse and woodcock, all the while turning to the voices of their handlers. They bested a field of fourteen of the top grouse dogs in the country. You should have been there, the galleries were huge and the conditions varied from day to day.
Thank you to all who toiled to make this a great and successful Invitational and thank you to the dogs, owners and handlers that worked so hard keeping things moving in the right direction.
Thank you to Greg Blair and Purina, Garmin and to Lion Country Supply, all people who believe in us and keep this dream alive……

32 Annual Grouse and Woodcock Championship Running Order

32nd running of the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship