George attended his first field trial in 1975, and by 1980 had taken the reigns of the Venango Club. He has been of constant service to field trial clubs ever since. George has campaigned dogs, judged prestigious events, been a director for the Grand National for decades, and, even when he is not an official part of a club’s leadership, has made himself available to help when a need arises. For a short period in the early 1980’s, he ran both the Venango and the Grand National Grouse Futurity at same time which proved to be a prelude of things to come. George ran the Futurity for nine years before stepping aside to take over the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational. At the time of this award, George runs both the Invitational AND the Grand National Grouse Futurity.
The years have shown us many dogs that have had success. Similarly, we have no shortage of handlers with a lot of wins. What we are perpetually short of is people to do the work that trials require. If trophies were awarded for conquering mounds of paperwork. If ribbons were given for hours on the phone securing judges, taking entries and making motel reservations. If purse checks were handed to the person who deftly deals with irate handlers, or owners. If silver pins were awarded to the person who tends to the care and comfort of judges, and makes sure the dogs are on the line, George would have had to add on another room long ago. If success were measured in units of selfless giving to our sport, very few in the history of grouse trials would match his George’s record. So the directors of the Mid-Atlantic region, in recognition of his love for the sport, his participation in the sport and his long service to the sport of grouse trialing, proudly honor George Johnson as a Grand National, Legend Of The Game.