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After careful consideration of the information at hand, grounds availability and hosting issues, the Secretaries of The Pennsylvania Grouse Trial Clubs are cancelling all Field Trials for the Spring of 2020.

In addition, the Grand National Grouse Executive Board have decided to cancel The Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship and The Grand National Puppy Classic.

Cancellations include:
The Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship
The Grand National Puppy Classic.
The Ontario Championship
The Amateur Invitational Coverdog Classic Scheduled for April 18th and 19th
The Venango Grouse Trial
The Pennsylvania Grouse Trial
Nittany Valley Grouse Trial

Day 3 of the Grand National Grouse Championship

Day Three 11/05/2020

Today was nearly perfect, overcast skies while temps di reach to the low 60’s the cloudy skies helped some with performances but a few dogs did succome to the heat.
5 grouse were sighted by officials today and 3 dogs pointed grouse.  The tally keeps growing and the judges are beginning to have dogs to choose from.  We did get 7 more braces in today and will start on brace 22 on course 11-12.  

76th Grand National Grouse Futurity Winners

Futurity Winners. From left to right: Bryan Wood, Marc Dozeman with Moss Mac Daddy, Ken Moss, Lonnie Rademacher with Springpond Rockin Gibby, Judge Bob Wheelock, Mike Singleton with Singleton’s Sid The Kid, Judge Tom Fruchey, and Bruce Minard with Thornapple Casey.

GLADWIN, MICH. — Thirty dogs were drawn for the 76th renewal of the Grouse Futurity running on the grounds of the historic Gladwin Field Trial Area.

The Gladwin Area (GFTA) consists of 4,792 acres located in the northwest corner of Gladwin County near the town of Meredith. This area is managed extensively by the state of Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Forestry Divisions and is subject to controlled timber harvest as necessary to maintain the area as a premier grouse habitat dedicated for wild bird field trial events.

Members of the five cover dog clubs volunteer much time and resources throughout each year to keep this area the premier grouse and woodcock venue in our circuit.

A great deal of effort is expended each year by our very capable Futurity secretary, Thor Kain, to manage this event. It starts with the registration of nominated litters, contacting the owners of these Derby dogs prior to the event each year, collecting forfeiture payments, answering a bucketful of questions and then, conducting the draw. It’s a very big and a very important job and Thor does it well.

This event has three sponsors who donate product and help finance these and other events. Lion Country Supply provided gifts for the judges and reporter. Garmin supplied a training collar to the winner and as always, Purina, Greg Blair, supplied Pro Plan Performance feed for winners and small sample bags for all the participants.

The support of these three great companies is appreciated by all of us who participate in these events.

The Beaverton Grouse Dog Club managed this stake. Mike Singleton gladly accepted the role of stake manager. Mike kept the event rolling, managing the movement of people, marshals, trucks and horses around the grounds.

Tom Fruchey and Bob Wheelock sat in the judicial saddles on horses supplied by Rich and Jennie Hollister.


Moss Mac Daddy, white, tan and ticked setter male owned and handled by Marc Dozeman of Holland, Mich., was awarded the rotating trophy, blue ribbon, Garmin tracking collar and Purina Pro Plan product.

Mac Daddy was bred by Ken Moss of Mount Pleasant, Mich.,  a mating of Ponderosa Mac and Moss Meadow Lil. Lil goes back to Ken’s six-time champion and three-time runner, and Grand National Grouse Champion Moss Meadow Traveler,  the foundation of Ken’s program. Ponderosa Mac is a two-time National Champion, owned by Steve Snyder of Ellendale, Minn.

Mac Daddy ran in the second brace on course No. 2. Mac started steady, at medium range and forward and kept this pace for 30 minutes. Mac handled easy and responded when required. When we reached the 22-minute mark Mac flipped ends and worked back. A grouse went out about fifity yards away as the gallery came around a corner. Marc sent Mac deep into the cut and the bell stopped 100 yards deep. Just as we got to third yards Mac started up again and worked froward a couple hundred yards. Mac stopped well off course, Marc walked in and put a woodcock in the air and shot. Marc collared his charge back to the front and finished his brace going away.

Springpond Rockin’ Gibby, white, black tan and ticked setter male owned and handled by Lonnie Rademacher of Lake Leelanua, Mich.,  earned the red ribbon with a strong and forward race. Gibby is a product from breeder Mary Beth Esser and her female, Tails Up Olive by Springpond’s Rockin’ Autumn, owned by Leeann Parnell.

Gibby is a tall, leggy and powerful tri-color setter. He is Lonnie’s first venture into field trial bird doggin’. Gibby ran in fourth brace, course No. 5, starting strong and hard charging. Gibby ran wide, deep and forward and keep in contact with his handler. He hunted the cover for a full brace, no birds flew in front of him.

Mike Singleton handled his setter female to a third place finish. Singleton’s Sid the Kid was also bred by Ken Moss, a pairing of Ponderosa Mac and Moss Meadow Kate. Kate also goes back to Moss Meadow Traveler.

Sid ran in third brace on course No. 4. Sid is also a tall and well-built setter, long of stride and strong. Sid also ran a steady 30 minutes, stopped one time at the edge of an aspen cut, we couldn’t get a bird to fly. We entered a clear cut and Sid went to the other side to enter the next bit of grouse cover, deep but within bell range. Mike was able to stay connected and get him to the end. Sid finished strong.

Rounding out the placements was Thornapple Casey, owned by longtime field trailer Bob Leet of Paw Paw, Mich., and handled by Bruce Minard.

Casey, bred by Bruce Minard of Hifive Kennels, is a product of runner-up champion Thornapple Cody ex Hifive’s Thornapple Anita. Casey is a medium size, well built white and black setter male.

At the breakaway Casey ran deep and wide, out of bell range for a bit, showed to the front running strong and steady. Casey ventured in and out of bell range (for this reporter) but always showed to the front, hunting the cover and running steady. He dug deep in the oak slash at the end of course, stopped once but started up before he could be reached. He finished as he started, steady and forward.

These handlers ran their dogs through fifteen braces. The afternoon braces on day No. 1 began with snow, and the weather never let up. It was challenging for all.

Monday morning was bright and clear with six inches of snow blanketing the grounds for the final three braces. A single grouse was encountered on the last brace, no dog involved.

We elected to take three dogs for a callback in the woods, starting with Lonnie and Gibby. Fifteen minutes, find a bird.

Gibby hunted hard, again ran steady but couldn’t produce a bird. Next up Mike Singleton and Sid. During these 15 minutes as Sid was off to our left, we walked up three grouse, no dog involved. We moved to the end of course No. 2, Bruce released Casey and this dog hunted the cover. Bruce did a great job handling to keep his charge in the cover and hunting it thoroughly. Again, no birds. We went to the birdfield, released quail and brought the dogs back individually in the same order as the wild bird callback. All handled their birds well.

The weather was certainly a disappointment to all involved; birds have been abundant on the Gladwin grounds this entire Fall season. The day following the end of this stake the Grand National Grouse Championship commenced and we had wonderful and mild weather, birds on every 60-minute course for the entire five days.

Gladwin, Mich., November 1

Judges: Tom Fruchey and Bob Wheelock


5 Pointers, 24 Setters and 1 Brittany

1st—MOSS MAC DADDY, 1686015, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac—Moss Meadow Lil. Marc Dozeman, owner and handler.

2d—SPRINGPOND ROCKIN GIBBY, 1685818,  setter male, by Springpond Rockin Autumn—Tailsup Olive. Lonnie J. Rademacher, owner and handler.

3d—SINGLETON’S SID THE KID, 1687988, setter female, by Ponderosa Mac—Moss Meadow Kate. Mike Singleton, owner and handler.

4th—THORNAPPLE CASEY, 1690280, setter male, by Thornapple Cody—Hifive’s Guilty As Charged. Bob Leet, owner; Bruce Minard, handler.

Day 1 Report of the Grand National Grouse Championship

Day One
We were greeted with clear skies and temps in the low 30’s and about 4″ of snow still left on the ground from the weekend snow storm.  The day warmed to a comfortable 52 degrees with mild winds and the snow melted and was nearly all gone by the last brace.  7 braces were completed today so we will start brace eight on course 15-16 at 8am Tuesday. several spectators were on the grounds today most notably Dean Reneke from the Garmin Comapany and Eric Mundan from Lion Country.  Today 15 grouse were observed by officials and two dogs had clean birdwork with three finds.  The woodcock have seemed to have left the area as none were seen today. 

2020 Drawing of the Grand National Grouse Futurity

76th Grand National Grouse Futurity
Sunday 11/1
1a) Thornapple Casey SM/Leet/Minard
1b) Pop’s Ray of Sunshine SF/Steingraber/Hollister
2a) Moss’s Mack Daddy SM/Dozeman/Dozeman
2b) Baxter’s Ode SM/Peters/Peters
3a) Singleton Sid the Kid SF/Singleton/Singleton
3b) On Point Jetwood Josie SF (IS)/Peterson/T. Chaffee
4a) Austin Hill Abby SF/Duell/Hughes/Matson
4b) Spring Pond Rockin’ Gibby SM/Lademacher/Lademacher
5a) Anna Lake Samantha PF/Matson/Hughes
5b) Speck SF (IS)/Merlington/Merlington
6a) Partridge Creek Sadie SF (IS)/Slater/T. Chaffee
6b) Centerfold Peach SF/Holmes/Holmes
7a) Grouse Ringer Pappy SM/Vitali/Forman
7b) Baxter’s Indian Arrowhead SM/Peters/Peters
8a) Rum on the Rocks PM/Hughes/Hughes
8b) Moss Meadow Magic SM/Moss/Moss
9a) Baxter’s Bash Brother SM/Peters/Peters
9b) Sutter’s Backwoods Rumble SM/Giulitto/Hughes
10a) Red Rum Rosie PF/Husenits/Hughes
10b) Northview Dixie Storm SF/Ditkas/Minard
11a) Spring Pond Rockin’ Sydney SF/Parnell/Parnell
11b) Abby’s Got To Run SF/Jablon/Minard
12a) Double Deuce Pearl PF/McMillen/Hughes
12b) Young Grouse Louie SM/Milone/Forman

Monday 11/2
13a) Sutter’s Magic Moxie SF/Giulitto/Hughes
13b) K. Dell’s Eagle Magnum Hotshot BM/Delong/Delong
14a) King Creek Dot Sero SF/Millet/Ecker
14b) West Wind Big Jake PM/Mercitoris/Hughes
15a) Dauntless Dreamer SF/Benshoof/Benshoof
15b) Moss Meadow Maverick SM/Moss/Moss

2017 Grand National Puppy Classic Winners

The Winners. From left: Thor Kain with Full Breeze, Judge Pat Cooke, Mike Oxenrider with Asper Hill Pippi, Mike Spotts with Knob Mountain Mayhem, Mark Hughes with Braggabull and Judge John Capocci.

OXFORD, N. Y. — The 70th renewal of the Grand National Grouse Puppy Classic took place on the prestigious Flanagan Farm, home of Grouse Ridge Kennels in Oxford, N. Y.

The Puppy Classic rotates between three regions and starts the Saturday after the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational concludes. The process of entering a dog in this event starts a year earlier with breeders nominating their litters for the Grouse Futurity. It is the support of those breeders that keeps the Grouse Futurity and Puppy Classic successful.

The grounds are classic New England type cover consisting of stone walls, old apple orchards, briar patches and grow- back farmland. Peter Flanagan laid out a perfect course to judge potential in a puppy. There was grouse and woodcock cover, open woods where a handler could show a dog, several turns where a dog had to be handled and gathered up, also a field at the end that let a dog make a big finish.

John Capocci of Katonah, N. Y., and Pat Cooke of Rochester, N. Y., accepted the invitation to judge this event.

Both men know good dogs and have owned/campaigned multiple-champions. John’s winning dog, Grouse Hill Bell, was named champion at the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational the day prior to the Puppy Classic, her second year in a row doing so and John’s third time as an owner winning this distinguished title.

Handlers from Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New York and Canada brought 21 puppies to the line.

The Winners

After looking each entry over with a keen eye, Judges Capocci and Cooke named Full Breeze the winner. “Bree” is a big strong setter female and she flowed through the course with a high cracking tail and smooth, powerful gait. She was always forward, ran big when the course allowed it and when good looking bird cover presented itself she hunted it thoroughly.

Bree was bred and is owned by the team of Bob Watts and Dick Brenneman. Their breeding program and dogs have a long history of winning.

Second was Asper Hill Pippi, handled by owner Mike Oxenrider, Jr. Pippi’s fleet footed application through the course had the judges up in the saddle early and the whole gallery paying attention. She ran to the limit with style. This was Mike’s first placement in a trial and to say he was excited was an understatement. He and Pippi will surely be back in the winners’ circle. She was bred by brothers Marc and Scott Forman at their Shady Hills Kennel. They are no strangers to breeding dogs that win.

Third was Knob Mountain Mayhem, handled by owner Mike Spotts. “Jax” ran with a high tail, laid to the front and went the places you’d like to see a dog go. Mike remarked that his favorite quality of Jax can’t be seen in a puppy stake, Jax is absolutely stunning on birds. He is a littermate to the winner and also bred by Watts/Brenneman.

Fourth was awarded to Braggabull, handled by owner Mark Hughes. “Emmy” is a solid built puppy that hits the cover hard. She ran with enthusiasm and a fluid gait. She was bred by long time bird dog enthusiasts and field trialing team of Ernie and Karen Saniga, a product of a bloodline and dogs they have bred going back many years.

First, second and third place were all sired by Full Blast. He sired the winner in this event last year and three winners in the 2015 running.

The Futurity process highlights quality breeding and he is no doubt making his mark and passing on his winning qualities to his pups.

I’d like to thank Peter and Katie Flanagan for hosting this year’s Puppy Classic. Their grounds are beautiful and Pete provided horses, lodging, and did whatever was needed to make this event successful.

Deb Nihart was a big help, getting coffee break and lunch ready, watching the road and keeping things moving. She is always willing to lend a helping hand at a trial. Thank you Deb.

Dean Reinke and Nestlé Purina are a long time sponsor of the Grouse Futurity and this event. They supplied the winners with plentiful amounts of Purina Pro Plan. We are very thankful for their loyal support. Garmin Tri-Tronics supported by donating an e-collar to the winner. Thank you, Garmin Tri-Tronics, for your continued support.

After seeing the crop of puppies that ran this spring, it is shaping up to be a really competitive Grouse Futurity in Michigan this fall. Hope to see everyone there.

Oxford, N. Y., April 15

Judges: John Capocci and Pat Cooke


15 Setters

1st—FULL BREEZE, setter female, by Full Blast—Straight Forward. Robert Watts & Richard Brenneman, owners; Thor Kain, handler.

Full Breeze
Winner of the 2017 Grand National Puppy Classic

2d—ASPER HILL PIPPI, setter female, by Full Blast—Shady Hill’s Girlie. Mike Oxenrider, Jr., owner and handler.

3d—KNOB MOUNTAIN MAYHEM, setter male, by Full Blast—Straight Forward. Michael Spotts, owner and handler.

4th—BRAGGABULL, pointer female, by Bully Bragg—Bullerina. Mark Hughes, owner and handler.

75th Annual Grand National Grouse Futurity running order

75th Grand National Grouse Futurity Draw

  Start time 7:30a. Meet at guard shack 7a

1a) Herbies Shasta La Vista sf Forman
1b) Grouse Hill Pepper pf Stolgitis
2a) Stan The Man sm Frutchey
2b) Elhew Snakewood pm Doherty
3a) Springbrook Sweet T pf Stolgitis
3b)HiFives Powerline pm Minard
4a)HiFives Top Shelf pf(is) Minard
4b)Ghost Train Solitaire sf Frutchey
5a)Grouse Hill Smokey pm Forman
5b)Debs McKeachie Road sf Kennedy
6a)My Long Gone Sprinkles sf Avery
6b)French’s Grouse Ringer Woody sm Forman
7a) Cairds Cracklin Rosie pf Little
7b)Elhew SnakeDancer pf Doherty
8a) Chasehill Little Speck pm Stolgitis
8b) Grouse Hill Duke pm Forman
9a) Shadyhills Savannah sf Forman

77th Annual Grand National Grouse Championship running order

Grand National Grouse Championship

77th Running November 5, 2019

Kilkenny Management Area of the White Mountain National Forest, NH.

Brace​Dog’s Name​​​​​B/S​Owner​​​​Handler

1.​Long Gone Porky​​​​​s/f​Lloyd Murray​​​Murray

1.​Wild Apple Calvados​​​​p/f​Tim Kisieleski​​​Doherty

2.​Bawl of Fire​​​​I/S​p/f​Brent Haskins​​​Minard

2.​Braggabul​​​​I/S​p/f​Mark Hughs​​​M. Hughes

3.​Fireside Aidan​​​​​s/f​Dr Mary Beth Esser​​T. Chaffee

3.​Wild Apple White Lighting​​​p/m​Craig Doherty​​​Doherty

4.​Chasehill Little Thudd​​​​p/m​Tim Kisieleski​​​Doherty

4.​Quail Trap Will​​​​​s/m​Dave Hawk​​​S. Chaffee

5.​Cairds Little Macy Mae​​​​p/f​Robert Little​​​Little

5.​Pistol Grip​​​​​p/m​Mike Husenits​​​D. Hughes

6.​Phillips Half Moon​​​​s/f​Matthew Phillips​​​M. Hughes

6.​Wild Kat Run​​​​​s/f​DerckZukivich​​​Ecker

7.​High Point Left Turn​​​​s/m​JermiahWatson​​​S. Chaffee

7.​Baxters Apache John​​​​s/m​Brent Peters​​​Peters

8.​All Out​​​​​​s/m​Joe Hopkins​​​S. Chaffee

8.​Grousehill Annie​​​​​p/f​John Cappoci​​​Stolgitis

9.​Cairds Remi​​​​​p/f​Robert Little​​​Little

9.​Wild Apple Spot On​​​​p/m​Craig Doherty​​​Doherty

10.​Cairds Lefty​​​​​p/m​Travis Riggs​​​Little

10.​Titanium’s Hammer​​​​p/m​Bob Leet​​​Minard

11.​Meredith Grade Annie​​​​s/f​Dennis Keysor​​​T. Chaffee

11.​Caliber Peak Storm Warning​​I/S​p/f​Sarah Gomes​​​D. Hughes

12.​Double Deuce Zeke​​​​p/m​Doug McMillian​​​D. Hughes

12.​Springbrook Maximus​​​​p/m​Russ Oglivie​​​Stolgitis

13.​Sanderling’s Wild Pippin​​​​p/m​Greg Callimanopulos​​Little

13.​A Distance Spec​​​​​p/f​Mike Husenits​​​M. Hughes

14.​Single Shot Barley​​​​s/f​Paula Giulitto​​​D. Hughes

14.​Daddy’s Little Boy Butch​​​​p/m​Paul Scott​​​Stolgitis

15.​All On​​​​​I/S​p/f​John Cappoci​​​Stolgitis

15.​Miss Penn Star​​​​​s/f​Dr George Najor​​​Ecker

16.​Cal Peak Hundredth Meridian​​​p/f​Sarah Gomes​​​Gomes

16.​Blast Zone​​​​​s/m​Thor Kain​​​Kain

17.​Texas Free Mason​​​​s/m​Kevin Klein​​​Ecker

17.​Lester’s Jiggster​​​​​s/m​Les Bressler​​​Forman

18.​Bud of Piney Wood​​​​p/m​Rich Warters​​​Ecker

18.​Grouse Hill Bullet Proof​​​​s/m​john Cappoci​​​Forman

19.​Blast Off​​​​​s/m​Justin Evans​​​Forman

19.​Stokely’s Frankie B​​​​s/m​Tony Bly​​​Bly

20.​Shady Hills Whiskey Bonfire​​​s/m​SHK​​​​Forman

20.​Stoke’s Willie B​​​​​s/m​Tony Bly​​​Bly

21.​Chase Hills Baby Bella​​​I/S​p/f​Erin Stolgitis​​​Stolgitis

21.​Double Deuce Molly​​​​p/f​Doug McMillian​​​D. Hughes


22.​Whynot Atom​​​​​p/m​Al Robbins​​​Stolgitis

23.​Game Winner​​​​​s/m​Dick Brenneman​​​D. Hughes

23​Snyders Pioneer Scout​​​​s/m​Steve Snyder​​​T. Chaffee

24.​Wayward Flying Tomato​​​​s/m​Annie Smith​​​M. Hughes

24.​Chasehill Little Izzy​​​​p/f​Erin Stolgitis​​​Stolgitis

25.​Boston​​​​​​p/m​Jim Kilrain​​​Ecker

25.​Duck Hook​​​​​p/m​Dick Straub​​​Stolgitis

26.​Leslies Silo Joe​​​​​s/m​Les Bressler​​​Forman

26.​Panola Bacon​​​​​p/m​Mac Stidham​​​Stolgitis

27.​Maximum Resistance​​​​s/m​Matt Phillips​​​Ecker

27.​Long Gone Mersadies​​​​s/f​LB Murray​​​D. Hughes

28.​Upper Ammonusuc Violet​​​​s/f​Edward Marquis​​​Ecker

28.​Phillips Moonlight Lilly​​​​s/f​Matthew Phillips​​​D. Hughes

29.​Thornapple Cody​​​​​s/m​Bob Leet​​​Minard

29.​Sumac’s Sashay​​​​​p/f​Roger McPhearson​​M. Hughes

30. ​Bo of Piney Wood​​​​p/m​Rich Warters​​​Ecker

30.​Anna Lake Sophie​​​​s/f​Rob Matson​​​D. Hughes

31.​Shady Hills Colt​​​​​p/m​SHK​​​​Forman

31.​Warrior Zeke​​​​​p/m​Mike Husenits​​​M. Hughes

32.​Ponderosa Mac​​​​​s/m​Steve Snyder​​​S. Chaffee

32.​Sterlingworth Jack​​​​s/m​Jim Millett​​​Ecker

33.​I’ll Be Back​​​​​s/m​Norm Meeder​​​M. Hughes

33.​Ruff Grouse Lilly​​​​​s/f​Paul Christopher​​​Christopher

34.​LaSombra​​​​​p/m​Carlos Esclante​​​D. Hughes

34.​Snyders Full Rage​​​​s/f​Steve Snyder​​​S. Chaffee

35.​Kendal Hills Dawson Creek​​​p/m​Tufts/Pershke​​​M. Hughes

35.​Hershners Thunderbolt Jet​​​​s/m​Scott Hershner​​​T. Chaffee

36​Mooselook Mac​​​​​s/m​Jack McNulty​​​Little

36.​Rockland Ridge McGraw​​​​s/f​Gary Chlapaty​​​Ecker

37.​Hershners Grouse Gunner​​​​s/m​Scott Hershner​​​S. Chaffee

37.​Upper Ammonusuc Saddie​​​s/f​Edward Marquis​​​Ecker

38.​Wild Apple Jonathan​​​​p/m​Craig Doherty​​​Doherty

38.​Double Deuce Dexter​​​​p/m​Doug McMillian​​​D. Hughes

39.​Long Gone Juicy​​​​​s/f​Lloyd Murray​​​Murray

39.​Mooselook Fion​​​​​s/m​Jack McNulty​​​McNulty​

2019 Grand National Grouse Futurity Puppy Classic Winners

Grand National Grouse Puppy Classic winners

1st- Deb’s McKeachie Road, bred by Bryan Wood, owned and handled by Deb Kennedy

2nd- Elhew Snakewood, bred and owned by Craig Craig Doherty

3rd- Snyder’s Pioneer Sam, bred by Craig Merlington, owned by Steven Snyder and handled by Scott Chaffee

4th- Tupelo Honey, bred, owned and handled by Bob Wheelock,

This is Deb Kennedy’s second year in a row winning the Puppy Classic!!!!

Thank you to Dean Reinke and Purina for sponsoring the Grouse Futurity and its events. Also thank you to Garmin for their sponsorship of this event.

(Craig Doherty and Elhew Snakewood not pictured)